Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Forgot the source that I copied it from, but found it as a captivating capture of the random thoughts (Search in google for Original Source):

Soft computer screen ambiance
casts shadows over fantasies

contacts dry on unblinking eyes
its all varying degrees of surreality

nothing changes in an instant
though that may be what it seems

it's all behind the curtain, magicians
switching up the pieces while we sleep

rearrange perceived reality,
involuntary heart eviction, conviction.

choices made, promises broken
no resisting the necessary, its all

momentary circumstantial exception.
unexpected pattern of repetition

grain grinds against preconceived
reason asserted attempting preservation

lost as souls once torn apart collide
in the frenzied recognition of emotion

undeniable existence of impression.
There is something to be said for

that which goes and returns unquestioned

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