Monday, December 11, 2006

Life is a game, aint't it? NO!! life is not a game.. atleast not Just a Game, itz much more..

Life is Game, aint it? ..That was the question popped by someone.. & I thought i replied really well to it.. so I am scribbling it here for record pursposes. lol

Yea.. life is a game! but not just a game.. its much much more.. its everything or say anything. You can compare life with anything..

Life is a bitch - when everyone around you is bitchy, & things seem so hard.. thats what you feel like dunn you?? 'life sux' dunn you whisper those words to yourself when ya annoyed with something??

Life is a joke - its so funny sometimes.. ain't it??,

Life is a book - it starts.. goes on & on for a long time, & then ends.. the endings are happy sometimes, sad sometimes & sometimes mysterious lol & just like a book .. the cover can never tell you the real story..

Life is a River - always flowing... & you are alwayz curious to know where it started from n where its gonna end..

And offcourse Life is a Game - You are rewarded if you play it well! lol

Life is different for everyone..Some may say - "life is short, dunn take it seriously".

But others may say - "Those who dunn take life seriously, life doesn't take them seriously."

But this is for sure that.. "you get back,..whatever you give"!! So be happy & spread cheers.. dunn cheat.. dunn be dishonest.. live & let live.Cheers!!!

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